Saturday, November 26, 2011

#36: Love is Love

What would you call a bigendered Deity of Love?


Edit: After posting this, I found out that there is an Ancient Greek god called Hermaphroditus, a minor deity of bisexuality and effeminacy and whose name is the basis the word "hermphrodite".  You learn something every day. :)

#35: Incontinence is Always Funny

What fairy tale involves the most trips to the bathroom?

The Princess and the Pee!

#34: Real Thick and Juicy

How do you know that Sir Mix-a-Lot was a cigar aficionado?

He Likes Big Butts and Cannot Lie!

#33: It's The End of My Nap and I Know It

What rock band gets the best night's sleep?


#32: I Think They All Hurt, Though

What former NFL Quarterback is always in pain?

Troy Ache-man!

#31: I'd Rather Be Happy

What do you call the reasons for your sadness?


#30: A Newton Still Only Needs One Apple

Which unit of measurement eats the most?

The Dyne!

#29: Do We Still Hear Them on High?

Which members of the Heavenly Host spend most of their time seated?


#28: Oh, The Many Uses of Food

What Greek dish is the most useful when fixing your car?


Friday, November 11, 2011

#27: They Still Don't Taste Good

What would you call a cantelope's sad moods?


#26: Math Is Fun

What you call the situation where a Mathematician is stuck between two theorems?

A Di-Lemma!

#25: Still No Room For St. Christopher

What do you call someone who chronicles the greetings of saints?

A Hi-ographer!